laupäev, 19. september 2015

Horvaatia 18.-23.09.15 Rijeka (lau)päev

Fotod on ikka täitsa p..s, peab vist väljamineku tegema või veel kord lahti võtma.

Selle päeva plaan oli linnaga tutvuda ja võimalikult palju otsida.

parkimise stiilinäide

midagigi kodust seal vasakul


esimene Horvaatia gümnaasium, loodud 23 November 1627

justnagu tuttav ratas

miks see putukas siis siruli on?

mugu on ikka räigelt kaua passinud ja ära kivistunud

jõgi, Rijeka linnale nime andnud

Ivan Zajc'i plats
Ivan Zajc (August 3, 1832. – December 16, 1914.),
was a Croatian composer, conductor, director and teacher who for over forty years dominated Croatia's musical culture. Through his artistic and institutional reform efforts, he is credited with its revitalization and refinement, paving the way for new and significant Croatian musical achievements in the 20th century. He is often called the Croatian Verdi.

midagi Alole ;)

mingid noored teevad tasuta tsirkust

miski leiutis

St Vitus'e katedraal, sealt tuleb pärast 1 lahe pilt veel ;)

muuseumi õuelt

aare muuseumis, üks kahest heast aardest selles linnas


teine hea aare kahest, letterbox raamatukogus

väljast uhke kirik, seest katki ja pime


lahedad pollarid vähemalt seal


võrriankrut näen ma küll esmakordselt

imelik positsioon

see on ka tänav muide

Rijekas kohtusin mitmete miisudega

tavaline hoov

Vana paberivabrikukompleks. Kole koht, õnneks liikusin keset päeva. Lugu tõlgi ise.
The Paper Mill complex was built largely in the 1820s, but major architectural changes were made in the 20th century. At the time of its construction, the factory was state-of-the-art and it operated very well. The complex also owned the first steam engine in the Balkans, another proof thatit was keeping up with the times. Apart from technology, the factory also had an advanced social policy: as early as in 1877, it established the first pension fund for workers. After the Croatian-Hungarian Settlement, the factory supported Hungarian interests and continued its good collaboration with that country. At the turn of the century, the factory was strongly hit by economic crisis. At that time, a new entity entered the ownership structure of the Paper Factory – the Ungarische Papier A.G. With the arrival of this joint-stock company, the plant’s steam and hydropower drives were modernized and, by World War I, the number of employees doubled. After World War I, the owners of the factory changed, the factory was incorporated into the paper company Jela, industrija papira, and after that it became property of the First Croatian Savings Bank (Prva hrvatska štedionica) and the local council committee of the directors’ council of Smith and Meynier on Sušak.The period after the war brought a new revival of the factory; it produced cigarette paper along with silk and Bible paper, copy paper etc. Sales of the manufactured products once again spread all over the world: United States, Argentina, Romania, Egypt, the Middle and the Far East. After World War II, the factory was taken over by the national government. Today, the complex is abandoned.

novot, sild
eesti silla-aarete-peitmise-fännid õnneks ei tegutse siin

üks aare tõi mind siia kenasse huvitavasse kohta

siit saab nautida vaadet vabrikule

uuh, geojumalale suured tänud - mööda lõputut taevatreppi üles trampides on viinamarjapõõsad tee ääres tõeline õnnistus

nu da, plin .. kaua sa ronid siin mööda treppe mäkke ja alla ja mäkke ja alla jne

kena lehtla, Rijeka moodi räämas, aga ikka kena

siit algab pikk trepp ülesse mäkke Trsati linna(osa)ni

Trsati kindlus paistab

kirik Trsatis

paavst tuli külla ja kivistus

sattusin pulma

Trsati kindlus

leia siit kiriku ehitamise aasta

kuda ushli partizanõ?


aga surnuaiad on lahedad

miski ülikool

Päeva tulemus: 23 aaret ja 23234 sammu

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